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We'd like to thank our customers, our schools, our supporters, our team and our incredible role models for all the work they've done over the last 10 years. We end this journey thankful for the time spent helping thousands children build their confidence, develop meaningful friendships and try new things.
One of the biggest gifts we can give our children is confidence. Throughout their early years, children are building their internal picture of how they view themselves; their self-esteem, self-efficacy and mindset are being shaped. What can we do to positively impact these important life skills?
Here are 10 ways we can help build our child’s confidence during their early years:
"I need your help with this, can you help me count/sort/cut/fix/switch this on"
"Can you know do it in a different way"
"You seem (angry, sad, jealous...) where in your body to you feel it and can you describe it?"
"I wonder what might happen if ew (add one more, turn it upside down...)"
"What shall we play with first at the playground"
"Which job shall we start with first"
"You kept trying, even when it didn't work the first time, well done"
"This looks like a challenge! It's going to be fun"
"That's ok if you're feeling a little shy, you'll know when it feels right to come and say hello"
"I know you can do this on your own, I'm going to leave you to it but I'm here if you need help"
"Do you remember when you needed my help to (put your coat on/get dressed/cut your food...)and now look at you! You can do it all lon your own"